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  1. Homemade chocolate, you say?

    After getting bit by the baking bug the other night, I thought I'd try my hand at chocolate chip cookies. I searched online for a diabetic-friendly recipe for chocolate chips, crossing my fingers that I had all the necessary ingredients... and that such a beast even existed.

    After sifting through countless recipes, this one by Maggie took the cake (or "cookie" in ...
  2. Dani's Cornish-inspired Pasties

    I refer to this pasty recipe as “Cornish-inspired” because my Cornish friends and relatives would have my guts for garters if they saw the list of ingredients. An authentic Cornish Pasty contains beef skirt, swede (more commonly-referred to as rutabaga or turnip in North America), potato, onions and a light peppery seasoning. No other additives or seasonings would be used in an authentic recipe, so my ...