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Thread: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

  1. #1
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

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    It's 2:00 am as I start this. We think sometime over the past hour Annunaki Genesis upgraded to 3.9.9. which until earlier today (we haven't slept yet so it's still "today" for us) was still somewhere between a pipe dream and high hopes. It was a nice surprise to see a target date for this highly-anticipated update. Yay!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	1286

    After Psycho's announcement about the future of Annunaki Genesis earlier this month, we weren't sure if another version would be released at all.

    Psycho: "The solution we came up with is to create a similar modification, which solves all of these issues. This modification will be uploaded under the name Annunaki (This doesn't mean Annunaki Genesis)."

    But we're guessing that this update was already in the works as a follow-up to Ark: Survival Evolved's v242 release not too long ago. However, v243 is scheduled for June 22nd, so this should be interesting. (for example, will we have to wait til Annunaki is released as a new mod, which will require us to start over, to see some of the content that's about to be released? Don't mind me, I'm just speaking through a haze of sleep deprivation.

    Regardless of what is handled here (Annunaki Genesis) or there (Annunaki - yet to be released), Psycho commits that they "...will still continue to support and update Annunaki Genesis, but less frequently. The updates for Annunaki Genesis will consist out of balance changes, bug fixes and dev kit updates with the latest content of Studio Wildcard. New features will only be added to the new Annunaki mod, since we don’t have the manpower to do both."

    (For more information on the above: ANNOUNCEMENT: The Future of Annunaki Genesis).

    As for Annunaki Genesis Version 3.9.9

    In Summary:

    ★ Level Scaling hasn't been fixed yet for The Center, therefore we can't fix it either
    NOTE: Will remain at the current setting
    ★ Updated Core with the latest ADK
    Spawn Rate Adjustments
    • Poison Argent slightly increased
    • Primal Wyvern & Wyverns slightly decreased
    • Drake's slightly increased
    • Mormaw slightly increased
    ★ REDONE: base damage, base dmgtype, debuffs for most NPC creatures
    • Prime Alpha's no longer deal gnash damage (except Alpha Giga)
    • Tributes no longer deal gnash damage
    ★ Alpha gestation breeding FIXED

    ★ Added Diplodocus
    • Has 2 types of attacks, LMB = Tail Swipe, RMB = Footstomp (both deal damage, only Footstomp harvests berries)
    ★ Added Leech
    ★ Drakes now have a new texture!
    ★ Drakes & Wyverns now have emissive eye coloring!
    ★ Wyverns now have a custom texture, which can be completely admin repainted!
    • Region 1: Body
    • Region 2: Neck
    • Region 3: Chest + Spine
    • Region 4: Spikes Head
    • Region 5: Spikes Neck + Scars
    • Region 6: Inner Wings
    Additional Dino Balancement Adjustments
    • Wyverns/Drakes have a new rotation method
    NOTE: The Dragon's head now turns individually from it's torso.
    • Wyverns/Drakes Firebreath range decreased
    • Wyverns/Drakes are now stronger both tamed/untamed
    • Wyverns/Drakes now properly land
    • Wyverns/Drakes now gain more Stamina tamed
    • Primal & Untamed A-Giga's are now more dangerous!
    • Tamed A-Giga's are now 10% nerfed in melee damage
    • Zomdodo's now carry debuffs with them which torpor you when you hit them
    ★ Golden Dodo can now only be tamed with veggies
    ★ Alice & Psycho are now disabled
    ★ Increased step damage radius of A-Giga, Dodorex, Gorilla & Raphus
    ★ Fixed Primordius, Wyverns & Drakes not properly landing or landing 100m further away.

    ★ Added Training Dummy
    ★ Adjusted some item descriptions
    ★ Increased the cooldown of the Silver Treats
    ★ Reworked the Annunaki Poison Arrows/Darts/Metal Arrows
    • Annu Arrows now deal 600% weapon damage as Torpor + 5% Torpidity over 10 seconds
    • Annu Darts now deal 1800% weapon damage as Torpor + 10% Torpidity over 10 seconds
    • Annu Poison Metal Arrows now deal 7500% weapon damage as Torpor + 35% Torpidity over 10 seconds
    ★ Baby Food now has double crafting requirements and gives 50% less food
    ★ Fixed some issues with the Torpor Arrows/Darts/Metal Arrows
    ★ Smough now spawns in the Grasslands, to make it compatible with The Center map
    ★ Removed the Annu 3-seater Saddle completely until properly fixed
    more notes to come

    Unversioned Hotfix

    ★ Odracir has a new attack pattern to counteract the excessive lag generated
    ★ Some Prime Alpha's give Black Pearls when harvested
    NOTE: This is done in accordance with the newly added Alpha Mosasaurus
    ★ Meaty/Lunar Fang can now properly level up in Speed
    ★ Removed % damage from Primal Ubers
    NOTE: If it's too high or low, we'll change it towards 'balance' via feedback of the community. We don't take multipliers into account.
    ★ Fixed an issue with the Essences giving nothing in general
    ★ Fixed the Broodmothers ability to run (and rubberband)
    We can confirm that some of the textures do look enhanced (drakes in particular) as promised. Nicely done... but I think I prefer the pre-patch textures/shades for the wyverns. Still unsure. They're quickly growing on me.

    Ozzy commented that "they changed the dynamics on how they [the wyverns] steer". Which now makes sense (from the patch notes) "Wyverns/Drakes have a new rotation method". Backing them up into their own respective parking spots was awkward at best prior to the patch, and while he thinks the steering is an improvement, he was already used to doing it the other way and "it'll take some getting used to".

    After the initial load-lag (a little longer than usual for obvious reasons) the game seems to be running smoother. Textures on the humans look better. So much more to check out. We're off to explore.

    Let us know what you think.

  2. #2
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    Apparently we weren't the only ones who were undecided/against the new wyvern/drake textures. Some other minor changes/fixes as well.

    Name:  anotherupdate1.jpg
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    Also, see Oz's step-by-step instructions on how to effectively wipe your mod folder/file: Annunaki Genesis did an UpDate!

    source: Annunaki Genesis Patch Notes:

  3. #3

    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    Glad to hear they are changing the drake/wyvern looks back. I tried..... I really really did try to like them but there's just something about my deep green drake that makes me happier than the yellow color I saw last night. Also with them making a whole new mod I'm curious if they will eventually move everything over to it. They say they don't have the manpower to do both so I would hope they move everything over otherwise it may become a challenge to run both mods in the future. I think I had read something about version updates only to Genesis but as you said all new content would go on the new mod. Can we confirm this? If nothing else we could always wait and see what happens.

  4. #4
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    They highly recommend wiping the server when installing the pending Annunaki mod (as opposed to the current Annunaki Genesis we're using). That means everything will be gone and we'd have to start over again.

    On the bright side... now that we all (sorta) know what we're doing, rebuilding our base and outposts should be quicker.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dugchugger View Post
    They highly recommend wiping the server when installing the pending Annunaki mod (as opposed to the current Annunaki Genesis we're using). That means everything will be gone and we'd have to start over again.

    On the bright side... now that we all (sorta) know what we're doing, rebuilding our base and outposts should be quicker.
    Sounds ok to me.

  6. #6
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    It looks like v243 won't be going through until later tonight... 11:59 pm EST. I think currently only Lego is EST? It'll be 9:00 pm for me and Ozzy when this goes through. *looks at clock* Luckily it's payday today so we can occupy our time with harvesting food and such.

    In the meantime, I've been watching the discussions here and there and it seems the biggest peeve is the nerfed gigas.

    Now I'm off to the Annunaki Genesis mod in the high hopes that enough people have complained about the GODAWFUL steering on the wyverns/drakes to the point the devs will reroll it back to the way it was. I cussed like a sailor trying to get my girl back in through the top hatch of the breeding outpost last night.

  7. #7
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    And yet another update for Annunaki (pending some yet-to-determined time tonight... "EST"). No mention of the steering issue. *sulks*

    Name:  patchnotes_3910_62116.jpg
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  8. #8
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Annunaki Genesis Update 3.9.9.

    According to this note on the Ark login screen, v243 won't be patched for another hour yet. We're off to sleep. And I can only imagine if we're this tired, how exhausted they must be. But they can hardly complain that they have a captive audience who really really wants this update.

    Name:  ark_login1a_62216.jpg
Views: 467
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    I'm guessing Annunaki is also behind because of it? We shall see in a few hours or so. Stay tuned!

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