Thanks for the step by step instructions Oz. They were easy for me to follow. Now to wait on the download and make sure I did it all correctly.
Annunaki Genesis did an update that requires us to refresh the files client-side as well as server-side. Server-side I have under control, but you will all need to do the client-side refresh. Here's how to do that.
- Open Steam, locate the ark "workshop" and look for Annunaki Genesis.
- Click unsubscribe.
- Exit completely out of steam. (Close out of the window then right-click the Steam icon in your tray and click "Exit".
- Navigate to "Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Conte nt\Mods"
- Delete the folder called "538986229" and the file called "538986229.mod"
- Turn Steam back on and in Workshop look for "Annunaki Genesis". Here is the ID to confirm you have the right one "ID - 538986229" or use the link provided above.
- Resubscribe to the Annunaki Genesis mod and let it re-download
Good luck and see you all on the server soon!
You come from nothing, You're going back to nothing. So what have you lost? Nothing! So always look on the bright side of life.
Thanks for the step by step instructions Oz. They were easy for me to follow. Now to wait on the download and make sure I did it all correctly.