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Thread: This is funny but I feel for SSSniperWolf

  1. #1
    The Dragon Lord OzDragon's Avatar
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    Default This is funny but I feel for SSSniperWolf

    Ok not sure where to post this one... under humor or gaming? About a year ago, a gamer named SSSniperWolf got mistaken for a pr0n star.. hehehe I truly feel bad for her, but this has not damaged my view of her. GAME ON SniperWolf!

    First vid is where she explains the problem. The resemblance is uncanny tho...

    Second vid is her explaining some of the backlash from the first vid... LMAO!

    Look, I don't think anyone should have to go through this but SniperWolf held her shit together a lot better than I have seen some other gamers do, male, female or otherwise engendered... LOL A LOT better, in fact. Some people will do anything to make that almighty buck. I'm sure after 5mil views on her vids here she is making some nice throwbacks. But damn this shit is still funny.

    Message to SSSniperWolf:
    "Stay Strong... Play your games... Keep YouTubing
    and we here at DS still hold your gaming morals and skills in high regard!"

    To follow SSSniperWolf on YouTube here's her link:

    You come from nothing, You're going back to nothing. So what have you lost? Nothing! So always look on the bright side of life.

  2. #2
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is funny but I feel for SSSniperWolf

    Well said, Ozzy!

    As if us gaming girls haven't had enough to contend with over the years being hit on, treated like delicate princesses, and then when we do well accused of being "e-whores"... now there's this. SSSniperWolf can't help it if she's smart, skilled and sexy. Don't worry girl, I know your pain. *snickers*

    Kick ass, girl! RESPECT!

    Name:  gamer_girl1.jpg
Views: 764
Size:  172.6 KB

    PS. I've subscribed to both her YouTube and FB pages.

  3. #3

    Default Re: This is funny but I feel for SSSniperWolf

    Remember when girls used to call gamers nerds? Now they all want to be gamers lol. I do like this SSSniperWolf though.

  4. #4
    The Dragon Lord OzDragon's Avatar
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    Default Re: This is funny but I feel for SSSniperWolf

    I watched her a few times She got some mad skills!

    You come from nothing, You're going back to nothing. So what have you lost? Nothing! So always look on the bright side of life.

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