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Thread: Hi everyone.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Larchmont, NY
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    Default Hi everyone.

    Hi folks. I'm here because Dani Oliver invited me. She liked something I wrote to her in private, and offered to have me post it as a blog. So I'll be doing that.

    Other than that, I don't yet know what I'll have to contribute, since I'm not a gamer. But I look forward to being a member of the community.

  2. #2
    The Dragon Lord OzDragon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi everyone.

    Wow been so busy missed this so sorry.

    Dani or as we call her around these parts Duggy or Dugchugger told me about you and as the founder of this community and Dani's other half I would like to welcome you to our home away from home. I'm sure you'll fit right in as I've talked with Dani about you and she read off your post to me in confidence and I was impressed. Also, if we can help get your word out I would be honored.

    Yes, we are a gaming community and evolving to much, much more. We are trying to attract more like-minded people that are able to voice an opinion and not get all bent out of shape if someone disagrees, understand each other's differences and still have a civil conversation. And maybe even use gaming as a common ground -- everyone loves to play a game now and then.

    So again, welcome.

    You come from nothing, You're going back to nothing. So what have you lost? Nothing! So always look on the bright side of life.

  3. #3
    DragonShadow Member Lego's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi everyone.


    Though I think I may have to slightly disagree with Oz on the part of this being the home away from home as this at time sure feels like home with all the support that folks give out in all the ways they can.

  4. #4
    The Dragon Lady Dani Oliver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hi everyone.

    Heya Ol' Firebones! Can I call you OFB for short? (Here, anyway)

    I just checked and saw that you posted your blog Rambling About Feminism and Porn. Thank you for that! I'm off to re-read it.

    While most of us here are gamers in some aspect, I'd say about 90% of the blogs we post are unrelated to games. We're just a small, intimate community of like-minded people... and I'm very happy that you found your way here.

    I love the way your brain works and hope to read more from you in the not-too-distant future.

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