The Model it is all about the Model ? This episode ended the twist from last Episode while we got to see Becka kidnapped. In this episode we got to see her returned and how the colony acted when faced with a ransom situation, Also in the last episode we heard plans for the creation of the wind mill and it turned out very well.

  1. The renewable wind turbine that charges their batteries is working and seems like a great idea.
  2. With the return of the model the colony is all happy but they went ageist their own word and gave more than the agreement was for . Bad move. As for Becka the model she was pretty traumatized by this and let some harsh word fly around which was expected. But not much happened other than everyone trying to comfort her.
  3. Again they talked about beefing up the security of the house but no plans were made and no one took a proactive move towards it. Sad Really but I hope they all learned their lesson about moving in groups. but only time will tell.

As for this Episode I keeping it short due to the fact they colony didn't do much but get the wind turbine working and worried about the model.. Let see what the next Episode brings us.